Monday, January 25, 2010

Assignment: Learn from men and walk away from a dirty kitchen

I am usually obsessive about how my kitchen looks, so I knew that this assignment would be exceedingly difficult for me. My husband and two children eat constantly, and I feel like everything is always a mess. I seriously may have OCD, and not just when it comes to the kitchen. If I walk by any part of my house and see any tiny crumb, stain or other mess I will drop what I am doing to clean the entire area. The funny this is that even with my slight obsession; my house is still not as spotless as you would think. Maybe it is the uphill battle I am fighting due to having a thriving family.
I have tried to channel my obsessive cleanliness constructively, and it has paid off in way of a good business. I have found that I am able to relieve a lot of my compulsions by cleaning offices and vacant houses for a living. The pay is good and best of all I get to make sure that every place that I leave is clean from top to bottom.

Back to my assignment for the day: walking away from a dirty kitchen. I have failed this miserably. I tried, I really did. I left dishes in the sink and on the counter. I tried to ignore them. But honestly this lasted all of maybe 20 minutes. I guess that is good for me. I cleaned and organized it all and continued to do so promptly upon every mess for the remainder of the day. So all in all, I get a big F for this part of my day. I would like to say that I will continue to work on being more laid back with a messy house, but if I am going to be honest I will just admit to keeping the crazy that I have had for most of my life. Besides I think I would miss this freak part of me, everyone has their own form of crazy but not everyone admits to it. It is my "freak flag" and I am proud to fly it!

On another note, I did walk all by myself again today, and it is getting easier and I am starting to love it. So maybe I don't get an "F" for my whole day after all.

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